

3 Jan 2016

George Bush cancels Europe trip Amid Calls for his Arrest

A planned trip by Bush to speak at the Switzerland-based United Israel Appeal later this week has been canceled after several human rights groups called for Swiss authorities to arrest Bush and investigate him for authorizing torture. Bush has traveled widely since leaving office, but not to Europe, where there is a strong tradition of international prosecutions.

 24 May 2004, USA --- U.S. President George W. Bush speaks in a televised speech at the U.S. Army War College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. President Bush outlined plans on Monday to hand over power to a friendly Iraqi government and promised with Iraqi approval to tear down the infamous prison where American soldiers abused inmates. The president used the prime-time speech on television to try and convince Americans that he can turn around the deteriorating situation in Iraq with just five weeks to go before the United States plans to hand over power to an interim Iraqi government on June 30. | Location: Carlisle, United States.  --- Image by © LARRY DOWNING/Reuters/Corbis

The Swiss group and Bush’s spokesman claim that it was threats of protest, not of legal action, that prompted the cancellation. But facing protests is nothing new for Bush. What was different about this trip was that groups including Amnesty International and the Center for Constitutional Rights argued that Switzerland, as a party to the UN Convention against Torture, is obligated to investigate Bush for potential prosecution.

Amnesty’s memo to Swiss authorities cites, among other things, Bush’s admission in his own memoir that he approved the use of waterboarding. From Amnesty’s press release:
“To date, we’ve seen a handful of military investigations into detentions and interrogations in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Guantánamo. But none of these has had the independence and reach necessary to investigate high-level officials such as President Bush,” said Salil Shetty, Secretary General of Amnesty International.
“Meanwhile, there has been virtually zero accountability for crimes committed in the CIA’s secret detention program, which was authorized by then-President Bush.”

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