

18 Jan 2016

Africa: Netflix Takes the Continent By Storm

 Atlas Geográfico: África

London — Netflix's announcement that it will roll out across all of Africa came as a big and rather welcome surprise. It had already announced its intentions to go into South Africa but no-one really knew the scale of its ambition. Alongside this announcement, the pace of 4G-LTE roll-out announcements continues to increase.

The impact of the arrival of Netflix in Africa at a continent-wide level of ambition has taken everyone by surprise and receives a high rating. This is clearly a player to watch closely.
Reactions in Africa
The reactions of the broadcast and VoD players was not long in coming. They were a mixture ranging from apprehension to enthusiasm, depending on the type of player. Here are some questions from our African contacts:
Is there room for other VoD platforms related to Africa? Will Netflix nibble away at the customer base of pay TV services in Africa? Can the Netflix service successfully enchant Africans with its local content offer? Will African producers be able to sell quality content to Netflix easily? How will the producers contact the company? Will Netflix establish partnerships with African telecom operators? What about service payment? How will Netflix adapt its service to local realities?

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