

26 Dec 2015

Reasons Why Black Americans Hate Africans

Image result for blacks in diaspora

Not all Africans Americans hate Africans. But sadly, there are MANY who do harbour extremely negative feelings towards us – whether due to a misplaced sense of superiority, a hypersensitive cultural chip, or just pure ignorance.
It is a shame that many of us are still letting ourselves play into the global Neocolonial agenda that hurts us ALL as Afro people. We stay separated and at odds when we have so much in common – both historically and culturally since we have that Afro connection.
The following “reasons” that many African Americans hate Africans have roots in the intense social programming that the USA executes so well over its citizens.
1. They Think Africans sold Them
The very premise of this way of thinking is ridiculous. Before African Americans becameAfrican Americans, they were just AFRICAN. So technically, we sold ourselves
NBMAJORITY of Africans being shipped off were kidnapped and taken against their will by the Europeans, not sold.
2. They Think Africans Didn’t Try to Help Them
In the (unsound) minds of people with this view, from the 1800’s to the 20th century, we Africans were having a good old time while our continent was pillaged and our people oppressed. Only Afro people in the USA seemed to have it hard.
We should have somehow tried to rescue the African slaves in the USA from slavery. I guess, we could have taken off our own chains to make the trip over. And while we were at it – we could have also gone over to South America and all the islands to save them too!
Never mind that we did not have the means nor the actual freedom to do so! Not to talk about how we are STILL being neocolonised right now.
 3. They Think Africans Played No Part in Afro Progress

This one just shows the American in them to be so self-absorbed as to believe that they are THE reason why black people worldwide are in a better position today.
Their arrogance outweighs their ignorance as there were, and still are, MANY Africans, Afro Caribbeans and Afro Latinos who have contributed to the collective pursuit of justice and equality for Afro people in the world.

 4. They Think Africans Are Primitive Nude Apes Dying of Aids and Ebola
It is so sad. The USA has done an excellent job of brainwashing majority of African Americans to generally reject, deny and abhor their African heritage by filling their minds with negative images of who we are as Africans. They spew the same racist diatribe of many of their white counterparts, and make the extra effort to separate themselves from us as much as possible.
I get it, who wants to be associated with negativity? But we are talking about a nation that uses up around 85% of the world’s resources. Majority of them have access to the internet. They could actually take the initiative to get informed instead of complacently swallowing what their media feeds them.

5. They Think Africans Are Arrogant
It’s crazy. When Africans are just ourselves as we naturally exhibit diverse aspects of our cultures, to some, we are arrogant. I recognise that the African slaves in the US were made to abandon most of their culture which is painful to live out today, but this does not mean that we should then hide ours.
I actually feel that the only original culture from the USA comes from African Americas. Their entire urban cultural movements and music has influenced the entire world’s collective pop culture. That is impressive and they should be proud!
What’s more, you all still have access to us, so all roots need not be lost. You can get reconnected as Africa’s nations are still very much here! And we can make jokes about how so much of our combined cultures have been stolen and appropriated :p
On another note: Are there certain Africans who may look down on African Americans as lost? Sure.
I am not justifying their behaviour, but take a moment to see it from their point of view.
It’s like a girl separated from her sister at birth and fed lies her whole life by her kidnapper. Only to then shun her sister on meeting her and insult her with so many untrue statements that show how much she does not know, and not like, about her own self and family.
This is the experience of many Africans in the USA. It is highly off-putting, and not everyone will have the patience to positively deal with that.
6 They Think Africans Prefer White People
Another questionable way of (not) thinking with a twisted premise. Like all black people own each other and must“stick together” in militant fashion. The whole “us versus them” attitude is extremely foul. It does not encourage progress but only hurts all of humanity.
In addition, Africa is a continent of 54+ countries. To completely strip its people of their individuality is already offensive in of itself. There might be some Africans who hate white people, others who do not. But nobody should be hating anyone to begin with, and I personally feel that it is just so silly to even factor other people into the equation at all when it comes to us as Afro people moving forward.
There may be some Africans who are painfully ignorant with a colonial mentality, but majority have REAL life to contend with, and without the blue passport privilege, so prefer to invest their time in improving their lives instead of “hating the white man” as their priorities are in check.
In any case, “race” aside – who would feel all fuzzy and warm inside in face of this kind of  above “reasoning”? Trust that nobody likes to be stereotyped, judged and shunned.

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